Exploration of Technology Adoption in Urban & Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Peshawar





Abstract Views: 241

Drawing upon Experiential Learning theory, this study aims to explore the adoption of technology amongst women entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas of Peshawar, Pakistan. 30 semi-structured interviews have been conducted from rural (Achini Paya) and Urban (Peshawar city) areas of Peshawar through purposive sampling. To analyze the data, a qualitative Content Analysis has been used in a two-step manifest coding and latent coding. The data results reveal those different dynamics (such as technology knowledge gap, economic and social constraints of urban and rural settings) affects women entrepreneurs' adoption of technology. Women in urban areas use mobile technology for business, albeit, with restricted exposure, while rural women entrepreneurs are not exposed to technology due to many factors particularly patriarchal structures. The study reveals that there is a lack of technology adoption, and the learning drive is mostly absent in women entrepreneurs from relatively marginalized communities.


Experiential learning , Qualitative, Technology adoption, Women entrepreneurs


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How to Cite

Imdad, H. (2022). Exploration of Technology Adoption in Urban & Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Peshawar. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 1(2), 30–37. https://doi.org/10.58329/criss.v1i2.9


