Impact of Entrepreneurial Networking on Firm Performance

A Dual Moderated Mediation Analysis


  • Zunaira Arshad Quality Enhancement Cell, The University of Faisalabad, Faisalabad
  • Mahwish Jamil Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Raiwind Road Campus, Lahore
  • Mehvish Fazal Ur Rehman Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Raiwind Road Campus, Lahore
  • Muhammad Usman Siddqiue Institute for Art and Culture, Lahore



Abstract Views: 104

Entrepreneurial networking is one of the important components in the field of entrepreneurship and this leads to the higher firm performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial managers networking on SMEs firm performance with mediation business model innovation, as well as the moderating ambidextrous leadership, entrepreneurial networking learning culture effects, and business model innovation effect in the Pakistani textile sector. The hypothetical-deductive technique is used in this analysis. The mediation and moderation test was analyzed using Smart PLS to explore the indirect impact of the proposed factors on the SME's firm performance. By applying Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) the structural Equation Method (SEM) was used as a mathematical technique to assess the direct impact of the suggested variables on the SMEs firm performance. Empirical results of this research revealed that entrepreneurial networking and SMEs firm performance have a positive association. It was found that the business model innovation has a positive influence as a mediator and the ambidextrous leadership and learning culture also has a positive influence as moderators.


Entrepreneurial Managers networking, Business model innovation, SMEs firm performance, ambidextrous leadership, learning culture


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How to Cite

Arshad, Z., Jamil, M., Rehman, M. F. U., & Siddqiue, M. U. (2023). Impact of Entrepreneurial Networking on Firm Performance: A Dual Moderated Mediation Analysis. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 2(4), 187–201.




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