Determinants of the Students’ Intention to Pursue Social Entrepreneurship in Pakistan

As A Career Choice


  • Amber Waqar Knowledge Unit of Business, Economics, Accounting and Commerce, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
  • Mahwish Jamil Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Raiwind Road Campus, Lahore
  • Irum Yasmeen Management Sciences, University of South Asia, Raiwind Road Campus, Lahore
  • Saiqa Anwaar Knowledge Unit of Business, Economics, Accounting and Commerce, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot



Abstract Views: 143

Entrepreneurship is an evolving and fascinating subject in the field of business management, yet there is a lack of research on social entrepreneurship. A lack of knowledge about social entrepreneurship makes it impossible to address the issues that young people in developing nations confront, such as unemployment, poverty, environmental issues and societal issues for which the government is unable to offer a solution. Social entrepreneurship will improve national economic growth by overcoming several economic challenges. This study used a qualitative research design in which eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted to get rich data from MBA students. The thematic analysis was conducted to obtain the findings related to the social entrepreneurial intention of the students. The study’s findings showed that students are enthusiastic about choosing social entrepreneurship as a career. It is observed that optimism and self-efficacy were equally important in building social entrepreneurial purpose, but the fear of failure frequently caused students to be less resilient. Despite possessing social capital, financial capital, and entrepreneurial education, psychological capital must still be prioritized.


Social Venture Creation; Social Entrepreneurship, Intention, and Career Choice


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How to Cite

Waqar, A., Jamil, M., Yasmeen, I., & Anwaar, S. (2023). Determinants of the Students’ Intention to Pursue Social Entrepreneurship in Pakistan: As A Career Choice. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 2(3), 86–96.




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