Analysing the Dynamics of Language Change in Contact Situation
A Case of Bilingual Speakers
Abstract Views: 54Weak bilingual proficiency of Balti-English and Eng-Balti have given a new dimention to the current situation of the language. Codeswitching has declared English insertion of nouns in health related talk. Furthermore, strong beleifs and langage motivation were factors responsioble for a need for teaching materials for young Balti speakers. The study investigated bilingualism profile and language dominanace in order to determine language attitudes of Balti speakers. Study used self-assessment Bilingualism profile (BLP) form that is basically a language background questionnaire based on the exposure of the language in different phase of life in different contexts from family to friends and later professionals. Findings revealed that Balti dominance in all aspects despite the fact that English scored higher in the 4th category of language proficiency. Balti speakers have less knowledge of Balti script and they are more proficient in English reading and writing. English has 0% history in the lives of Balti speakers whereas Balti has 28% language use where English stood at 8% only.
Balti speakers, Bilingual proficiency, Codeswitching, Language attitude, Script, Self-assessmentReferences
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