Problems of Students in Learning Mathematics at Public and Private Secondary Schools of District Swabi


  • Nabi Gul Ex-PhD Scholar, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
  • Irfan Ali M.Ed Student, University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan



Abstract Views: 28

The study was sought to explore the problems of public and private school students in learning mathematics. Students from public and private secondary schools in the Swabi district make up the study's population. Ten students from each school were chosen at random to gather information, resulting in a total of 300+300= 600 sample students. The researcher personally gathered the data from respondents. Agree, Undecided, and Disagree are the three-point ratings on which the questionnaire was constructed. Utilizing percentage as a statistical technique, the data gathered from the questionnaire was calculated and examined. Based on finding it was concluded that systematic, social, and pedagogical issues are major factors that either directly or indirectly obstruct the teaching and learning process. These issues hinder the enhancement of secondary education quality since the teaching and learning process directly reflects the caliber of education. Students who struggle in mathematics have the power to negatively impact both the development of the entire country and the quality of secondary education.


Systematic problems, social problems, pedagogical problems


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How to Cite

Gul, N., & Ali, I. (2024). Problems of Students in Learning Mathematics at Public and Private Secondary Schools of District Swabi. CARC Pedagogical Explorations, 1(1), 23‒35.


