Exploring Teachers’ Satisfaction Regarding Salary and Work Environment at Secondary School Level Swabi


  • Kifayat Ullah M.Phil. Scholar, Northern University, Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
  • Iftikhar Ali M.Phil. Scholar, Northern University, Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan




Abstract Views: 25

The study explored the teachers’ satisfaction regarding salary and work environment at secondary school level. The objectives of the study were to explore teachers’ satisfaction with respect to their salary at secondary school level and to investigate teachers’ satisfaction with respect to work environment at secondary school level. The population of the study consisted of 491 secondary school teachers. Out of the total population, 150 secondary school teachers were randomly selected by selecting 5 teachers from each school. Findings of the study concluded that Most respondents expressed satisfaction with their pay. Over 50% of educators thought their pay covered their essential needs. Of those surveyed, half believed that their pay was sufficient to cover their children's educational costs. Less than half of participants can pay for their family's medical needs out of their paychecks. The majority of participants expressed satisfaction with the superannuation pension serving as a means of assistance for their post-retirement later years. The majority of participants thought that their monthly pension would provide them with financial security in later life. The majority of educators are happy that their work allows them to make money legally.


Salary, Work environment, Job satisfaction


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How to Cite

Ullah, K., & Ali, I. (2024). Exploring Teachers’ Satisfaction Regarding Salary and Work Environment at Secondary School Level Swabi. CARC Pedagogical Explorations, 1(1), 01–10. https://doi.org/10.58329/cpe.v1i1.102


