Exploring Challenges to the Prospective Teachers During the Process of Practicum at University of Loralai


  • Sonia Irum Ex-PhD Scholar, Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan
  • Muhammad Wasim M.Ed Student, University of Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan




Abstract Views: 55

The study “exploring challenges to the prospective teachers during the process of practicum at University of Loralai” was conducted to explore the challenges of planning and implementation in the process of practicum of BS students in University of Loralai and to explore the practices and strategies (applied/ will be applied) by BS students in the process of planning and implementation of practicum in University of Loralai. Out of the total population (152 students) for the seven semi structured interviews students will be selected as i.e. one high achiever from each class of BS (3rd,4th, 7th and 8th ) as well as B.Ed 1.5 (3rd semester) and 2.5(4th and 5th) will be selected. Based on findings it was concluded that Majority of the respondents were of the opinion that lack of expertise in developing a lesson plan is a challenge for students. Most of the students have time constraints. Maximum number of participants faces lack of cooperating school, lack of cooperating school principal and cooperating teacher, unavailability of educational supervisor and program preparation procedures, lack of academic preparation, problem associated with personality, challenges concerned with social relationship, weakness in use of external sources of information, weakness in use of effective educational aids, mistreatment of the school management, sense of isolation and lack of belonging to the school, limited understanding of the subject matter, lack of cultural awareness to understanding it.


Teaching Practicum, Lesson Plan, Cooperating Teacher, Educational Aids


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How to Cite

Irum, S., & Wasim, M. (2024). Exploring Challenges to the Prospective Teachers During the Process of Practicum at University of Loralai. CARC Pedagogical Explorations, 1(1), 36‒55. https://doi.org/10.58329/cpe.v1i1.100


