AUKUS Emergence

Navigating the Dynamics from Security to Insecurity in the Asia-Pacific




Abstract Views: 93

AUKUS has significant ramifications for Asia-Pacific’s security dynamics. The factors contributing to uncertainty among regional countries and their security dilemmas include the perceptual threats of countering China’s rise and heightened insecurity among ASEAN and South Asian nations due to nuclear-powered submarines (SSNs) in the region. The proliferation of SSNs is a significant concern emerging in the wake of the AUKUS alliance. South Korea and Japan have reportedly expressed interest in acquiring SSNs by joining AUKUS or through bilateral arrangements with the United States. These developments have intensified regional insecurity. Viewing AUKUS through a Cold War lens reminiscent of the balancing strategies between the USSR and the US, China labels it as the Asia-Pacific version of NATO. Though AUKUS has been established ostensibly to review the US-led global order, it may instead sow seeds of insecurity and mistrust across the Asia-Pacific. This research paper evaluates how AUKUS would impact the insecurity outlook of the Asia-Pacific region.


AUKUS, Security dilemma, Asia-Pacific, Nuclear-Powered Submarines (SSNs), Alliance, ASEAN, Proliferation


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How to Cite

Ali, M. (2024). AUKUS Emergence: Navigating the Dynamics from Security to Insecurity in the Asia-Pacific. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 3(1), 1–7.


