Measuring the Impact of Capacity Building Workshops for Ensuring Inclusive Education Practices Using Kirkpatrick's Evaluation Model in Sindh, Pakistan




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The study examines the failure of implementing inclusive education programs in Sindh province schools. It developed a unique training scheme for special and general education teachers, incorporating learning modules, instructional resources, and a virtual platform. The project was initiated in 2022, and 423 participants were trained in inclusive education practices. The study found that competency-based inclusive education workshops significantly boost teachers' positive attitudes towards inclusive education, confirming previous findings on integrating students with disabilities into mainstream classrooms. The study emphasizes the importance of continuous professional development for teachers in the face of rapid technological advancements.


Inclusive education, Competency-based workshop, Kirkpatrick's evaluation model, Pretest-posttest design and Impact assessment


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How to Cite

Sulman, N., Naz, S., Ali, S., & Hameed, A. U. R. (2023). Measuring the Impact of Capacity Building Workshops for Ensuring Inclusive Education Practices Using Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation Model in Sindh, Pakistan. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 2(4), 266–279.


