Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Primary Schools

A Review of Head Teachers’ Perceptions


  • Fazal Hayat Department of Education, University of Loralai




Abstract Views: 131

Factors Affecting Educational Performance of Primary Schools: A Review of Head Teachers’ Perceptions was conducted to explore the factors that affect academic presentation of public primary school at area Swabi. All 571 Head Teachers serving in 571 Public Primary Schools for Boys at area Swabi constituted the population of the study. 20 Head Teachers from 20 Public Primary for boys at Swabi. Purposive sampling techniques was used for sample selection. Closed questionnaire was the research tool utilized to gather data. The data were organized in tables by the researcher in a methodical manner. After then, the data was analyzed and expressed in percentages. Outcomes of the study concluded mainstream of the respondents noticed that lack of physical facilities affect academic performance of my school. Most of the respondents revealed that non availability of one teacher for one class affect academic performance of the school. All of the respondents viewed that non-involvement of administrative official in supervising academic activities affect academic performance of the school. All of the participants believed that educators were kept busy with additional tasks outside of teaching, which had an impact on school academic achievement. Most of the respondents were in the view that the lack of comprehensive curriculum affects academic standing the institutions. The majority of subjects respond the lack of interest and attention of administration in solving teachers and students’ problems affect academic performance of schools. Most of participants respond that poverty of parents affects academic performance of schools.


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How to Cite

Hayat, F. (2023). Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Primary Schools: A Review of Head Teachers’ Perceptions. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 2(2), 37–43. https://doi.org/10.58329/criss.v2i2.23


