Effects of Usage of Social Media on Family Relationships among Youth

A Case Study of District Swabi


  • Saad Aftab Department of Sociology, University of Swabi - Pakistan
  • Afzal Ahmad Department of Sociology, University of Swabi - Pakistan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7182-3467




Abstract Views: 118

The study deals with the effects of usage of social media on family relationships among youth of Swabi. For this purpose a quantitative and cross sectional study design was adopted. To obtained information from 201 youth. Data was analysed through percentages and frequency distributions. It was concluded from the study findings that Social media has affected the life of each and every individual specifically the youth are so addicted that they are found to be less involve in physical activities and other productive work. This findings showed that majority of 35%  the respondents shared that they look for internet connectivity even at family gatherings, 39% agreed that when they wake up in the morning they started using social media, 25% agreed that they prefer to use social media even there are siblings around them, 415% agreed that they preferred to communicate with people via social media. moreover, it was found that majority of the respondents shared that they even noticed that they have miss meal time due to using social media. while, it was also illustrated that media effects social relationships among family members as it was found that only 6% shared that they always feel that they have a strong relationship with their family after increased use of media devices, 45 feel that there is a gap between them and their family members due to excessive use of social media and , 37stated that technological advancements like smartphones, tablets etc. decrease physical time spending  with family. Promotion of sports & cultural events in educational institutions as well as in the communities, Proper check and balance by parents and other family members on the youngsters and Arrangements of seminars and awareness campaigns to educate youth about the adverse impacts of excessive use of social are the major study recommendations.


District Swabi, Family relationships, Social media, Youth


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How to Cite

Aftab, S., & Ahmad, A. (2023). Effects of Usage of Social Media on Family Relationships among Youth: A Case Study of District Swabi. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 2(2), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.58329/criss.v2i2.22


