The Educational Problems, their Causes, and Remedial Measures for the Community-Based Schools of Yohanabad, Lahore


  • Kashi Younas Director of Education and Founder of Chopan Trust, Lahore
  • Dr. Muhammad Amin Associate Professor, Department of ELPS, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore
  • Syeda Um e Laila Naqvi Senior Officer Publications, KRSS-ORIC, University of Management and Technology, Lahore
  • Humera Amin Lecturer, Department of ELPS, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore
  • Ridwa Saleem Ph.D. ELPS Student, Department of ELPS, Division of Education, University of Education, Lahore



Abstract Views: 148

This study aimed at identifying the educational issues prevalent in the community-based schools of Yohanabad Lahore, pursue the reasons behind them and offer some recommendations, thus, this research form the qualitative exploration type. Gaining feedback from five schools, major problems such as lack of finance, lack of amenities, shortage of qualified teachers, and students’ poor preparation in academic processes were identified. Furthermore, the learning achievements and participation level of students and teachers are characterized by high attrition rates, which are caused by low community culture of education, parents’ disengagement, and weak school polices. The key recommendations from the study include calling for higher financing prospects, more opportunities for continual training of teachers, changes in organizational remunerations according to performance, and community engagement to highlight the importance of parental involvement in learning. It is important to make radical improvements for community-based schools in Pakistan and focus on the education policies to create positive atmosphere in education institutions and proper development of students.


Causes & remedies, Community-based schools, Educational problems, Yohanabad Lahore


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How to Cite

Younas, K., Amin, M., Naqvi, S. U. e L., Amin, H., & Saleem, R. (2024). The Educational Problems, their Causes, and Remedial Measures for the Community-Based Schools of Yohanabad, Lahore. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 3(2), 139–145.




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