Impact of SERQUAL Model on the Customer Citizenship Behavior in the Airline Services Companies of Pakistan
Mediating role of Behavioral Intention
Abstract Views: 33The study was carried out to explore the Impact of SERQUAL Model on the Customer Citizenship Behavior (CCB) in the Airline Services Companies of Pakistan with mediating role of Behavioral Intention (BI). The data was collected from frequently users of the sample airlines. The data of these frequent users were collected from the travel agents. These frequent users were approach and then after taking consent, paid visit for the data collection. A questionnaire was the main tool used in the current study to collect data. There was 27-item question sheet. The researcher emailed the airline's concerned HR division to make contact. The list of frequent and devoted airline customers, along with their email addresses and phone numbers, was obtained from them. The findings of reliability statistics showed that the variables included in the data collection were found reliable. The results of correlation test showed that reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, assurance, empathy and BI are having positive and significant correlation with CCB. The findings of regression model showed that reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, assurance and empathy have significant impact on the CCB. Reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, assurance and empathy have significant impact on the BI. BI showed significant effect CCB. The findings of mediating analysis showed that BI are having significant mediating role between reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, assurance and empathy and CCB.
Behavioural intention, CCB, Regression, Reliability, ResponsivenessReferences
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