Teachers’ Perceptions About Authentic Assessment in Higher Education

A University Case Study





Abstract Views: 134

Recently, there has been a shift in the assessment paradigm in higher education (HE), moving away from traditional assessment systems towards authentic assessment (AA). AA ensures profound and high-quality learning outcomes, diverging from the standardized, memory-centric approaches often found in traditional assessment systems. This qualitative study aimed to explore the perceptions of university teachers regarding AA. The researchers purposively selected participants from nine departments of the Faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences at Hazara University Mansehra, Pakistan. Through semi-structured interviews, the perceptions of 14 university teachers were analyzed through thematic analysis. The five main themes emerged as 1)deviating from traditional assessment methods, 2)connected to the real world, 3) abilities and skills, 4)connected to the future, and 5)updated knowledge. Three sub-themes for a primary theme, abilities, and skills also emerged: i)assessing professional skills, ii)behavioral skills, and iii)problem-solving skills. The findings highlighted that AA requires assessing students' abilities, skills, and current knowledge to prepare them for the future. University teachers also emphasized the importance of determining behavioral, problem-solving, and professional skills relevant to students' respective disciplines. The study recommends universities integrate AA methods to better prepare students for real-world challenges and professional environments, ensuring they possess the necessary competencies for their future careers.


Authentic assessment, Case study, Higher education, Perceptions, Traditional assessment


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How to Cite

Almas, R., Fazal, S., & Nazir, F. (2024). Teachers’ Perceptions About Authentic Assessment in Higher Education: A University Case Study. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 3(2), 241–249. https://doi.org/10.58329/criss.v3i2.136


