Fear of Missing Out and Procrastination Among University Students

Investigating the Mediating Role of Screen Time


  • Irum Aslam MPhiL Scholar, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Jamil A. Malik Tenured Professor, National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9521-4276




Abstract Views: 239

The present study aimed to test the mediating effect of screen time on the relationship between Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and procrastination. A cross-sectional research approach and purposive sampling technique were employed to recruit university students (N = 400) from public and private sector universities in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The study variables were assessed using the FoMO Scale (Wegmann et al., 2017), the General Procrastination Scale (Lay, 1986), and the usage dimensions of the Media and Technology Usage and Attitude Scale (Rosen et al., 2013). Participants also reported their mobile phone usage time using the screen time tracking feature available in their smartphones. Results of correlational analysis indicated that FoMO and screen time are positively associated with procrastination. Mediational analysis revealed that screen time mediates the relationship between FoMO and procrastination. It is concluded that FoMO increases screen time which consequently exacerbates procrastination. Findings suggest that interventions aimed at fostering mindful screen time management could offer effective strategies for minimizing procrastination tendencies.


FoMO, Objective assessment, Procrastination, Screen time, Subjective assessment


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How to Cite

Aslam, I., & Malik, J. A. (2024). Fear of Missing Out and Procrastination Among University Students: Investigating the Mediating Role of Screen Time. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 3(2), 206–213. https://doi.org/10.58329/criss.v3i2.122


