Tourism Demand among the KUST Students




Abstract Views: 186

Tourism demand is crucial for different tourism products in a different location, markets, time frame and at particular prices. Numerous empirical studies have been developed to evaluate the determinants of international tourism demand because tourism is one of the most significant and dynamic economic sectors in the world. Tourism demand function depend on the nations or regions, the time frame, the data type and the type of travel. Due to these factors, tourism demand is crucial for promoting the industry's economic outcome: First off, the tourist sector offers opportunity to raise the country's profile and support efforts to reduce poverty in developing nations Secondly, in developing nations, tourism can produce greater benefits than trade, therefore the study is conducted to find tourism demand among the KUST students. The study employed uses primary data, collected through structured questionnaire and evaluated using descriptive statistics. The results indicate that demographic, social, economic and education are the significant factor of tourism demand. The recommendation are provided in the lower section of the study.


Demographic, Economic, Social, Tourism Demand


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How to Cite

Khan, S. W., & Qaiser, M. (2023). Tourism Demand among the KUST Students. CARC Research in Social Sciences, 1(2), 41–46.


